Wednesday, April 22, 2009

loving the planet

Happy earth day!

Things we've done to live a bit more sustainable.

1. Most lights in our place are energy efficient.
2. Put a couple of bottles filled with water in the toilet tank so it uses less water with every flush.
3. No more paper towels, I've bought little square cloth towels for all my cleaning needs.
4. In the process of phasing out paper napkins for cloth ones.
5. We bought a Prius.
6. Recycle all our cardboard, plastic, paper, aluminum, cooking oil and glass.
7. All cleaning products are either method, seventh generation, or something that is toxic free, I am gonna start making them at home with some lemon, vinegar and baking soda.
8. High efficiency washer and dryer.
9. Use organic towels.
10. No bottled water.
11. Only buy fair trade and organic coffee.
12. Try to keep the temp at 68 in the winter and open windows and turn on the fan in the summer.
13. Always unplug cell phone chargers when not in use.
14. Bought a pair of cute crocs for the summer, they are recyclable!

All I can think of for now, gotta run to buy some seven generation laundry detergent that is on sale at Target.

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